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Social Data for Dummies, Your Quick Search Tool

No analyst, no problem

Photo by Lukas on Pexels

Dig deep into what your customers are thinking, where they are talking and what they are feeling, because knowing these insights gets your social media game on point and effectively builds a strong community of fans and drives sales for your brand. However, not every member of the team or brand’s marketing team will have the skills of an analyst to work magic to monitor keywords, mentions and sentiments across channels to have a
better understanding and vision of the needs of your customers’ interest.

That’s pretty much where Wisesight’s latest product “Search” levels out the playing field, and here are 7 reasons you should give it a go for yourself.

No technical skills required. This is by far a big plus. Yeap you read right, you do not need to be a data wizard to use “Search”. Anyone can use it, it’s just as easy as Googling.

Budget friendlier – won’t break the bank. Affordable, fast and efficient. Whether you are a Brand marketer just launching a campaign or an agency about to go into a pitch you don’t need to spend a hefty amount to get the best of it.

Relevant sentiment trendline. “Search” is built on Wisesight’s hyperlocal infrastructure with enhanced machine learning to more precisely capture sentiments of our multicultural Malaysian language mix.

Trend tracking made easy. Brands can observe trends & track for hashtag movement, and measure performance based on interest of the social chatter, engagements and sentiments. Apart from hashtags, keywords are also trackable to measure the popularity of brands and products. This way, you can identify the most active channels related to specific brands, products or topics of interest and craft marketing strategies that resonate.

Identify your Brand’s advocates, influencers and micro-KOL. “Search“ will also show top users based on the channels, when it comes to social listening, it is an undeniable fact that influencers will make use of their platform to share thoughts and opinions. When an influencer mentions your brand, don’t gloss over the fact that they’ve mentioned your brand; instead, take some notes and study them. Influencers or micro KOLs can potentially collaborate with brands to boost image and reputation.

Heat map. A visualization to show which geographical area that gets the most attention from users using Twitter. It highlights the areas and locations to display tweets that are relevant to your searched keywords or hashtags. Heat maps assists brands to expand the market by inferring analysis on audience based on geographic segmentation which helps to identify potential locations for new outlets to grow.

Know which 3rd party pages you can leverage to amplify your marketing. “Search” assists in identifying top websites that have been promoted & advertised in relation to the topic of your query. Since audiences already engage with these 3rd party channels you may
collaborate for beneficial growth and advertise to leverage them for more exposure.

Example of engagement trendline from “Search”

The graph below illustrates the Search results of a popular entertainment brand in Malaysia. Notice that the amount of messages aren’t very high except on 5th August where a campaign was launched. Knowing how high the message count is isn’t the only important aspect, the quality of the top messages from consumers are equally important too. Quality top messages
can be identified from users that are generating traction on social media, which allows you to understand what topic or posts users are typically interested in. A quick click can instantly link to the actual post to understand the context of the public’s reactions from the comments.

If you are in need of quick industry social data but do not have the expertise or analyst to assist in operating an advanced social listening tool, fill in this form to see more of Wisesight’s “Search” functions, a guide will be sent to you. Wisesight has a multitude of social intel tech solutions and custom objective research services working with brands across APAC.

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Written By

iWISERS gives you the power to unlock insights from consumer data across social media spheres. We are an elite social intelligence and digital agency providing various in-depth multi-method research, digital marketing and strategy consulting to change the way organisations in APAC engage their communities. Dive into a more immersive experience with us beyond data to power up your brand. #MadeforAsiabyAsians. Follow them on website and LinkedIn.

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