How to make the “big Cs” (CEO, CFO and COO) read your proposal like a magazine? In today’s competitive business environment, your ability to write powerful proposals could mean the life, or death of your business. Here are seven ways you can strut your award-winning legal service proposal to the big Cs.
A cover letter tailored to C-suite language. First thing first, it is common to introduce your firm by way of a cover letter like you’re applying for a job position. The cover letter should reflect a real-life conversation like fiction does. The average C-suite has years of accumulated knowledge, experience and access to vast volumes of information about their business and possible solutions. So, it is not sufficient to directly introduce how your services can solve their problems without telling your value.
A good response to RFP. If you’re responding to Request for Proposal (RFP), carefully study their problems, their industry and cases alike before proposing general legal solutions. It’s not enough to present your point of view. As an expert, what do you recommend?
Firm’s & Member’s Profile. I’ve been preaching about having good branding as your footprint. Professional photos and well-articulated member’s profiles are important to place the trust in your team. Sloppy writings, low-resolution photos, misspell and unnecessary authority that doesn’t relate to your expertise are signs to frustrate the C-suite and the signs of lacking in commitment to your services.
Aims and Method that works for them only. It’s important to establish your aims in solving their problems and clarify your solving method using diagrams or whatever that are visually pleasing and straightforward. Remember, they have limited time to read through your solutions. Go back to your law school method. State issues, law, case law & applicability to the current situation. The rest can be discussed during your physical meeting.
Effective analysis. For each solution, explain briefly what the impact is. While you are certain with the legal outcomes, give room to qualify other information that the client hasn’t tell. They might not be aware that those are material facts to the present case.
Alternative Fees. There are situations when some of them go directly to this section and disregard the earlier. So, break down your proposed fees to relate to the earlier chapter. State how many resources involved, and the estimated hours to pursue the solution. On top of that, give them an alternative to your proposed fees.
Reinforcement. Last but not least, there’s nothing wrong to further reinforce: one – your expertise in your area and two – your commitment will outweigh the professional fees. “If you solve 10 years worth of issues in 10 minutes, they owe you that 10 years’ experience to make it in 10 minutes”.