Imagine you are selling the finest quality of fish to a bunch of people. One of them asks, “Ah Cai, why is this fish so expensive? The fish look less meaty.” Another one commented, “I can get the same fish for RM10 only, why do you sell for RM30?” Do you have answers to satisfy that?
The same case happens to your law firm. There’s a disconnect between what the firm has to offer and the capabilities to do so. You know your service, the legal industry and your capacity to give but you don’t know how to earn their trust. How to build your client’s trust when you’re at an early stage with three simple formulas?
Start – with You
Start with positioning yourself as a thought leader. Your client needs legal solutions that they can’t solve on their own. You must ask yourself, how can this client know that you are credible to solve their problem? It’s through what you have been preaching with your well-articulated writings. Have you led enough thoughts on your expertise? If the answer is no, you may want to start with creating educational content and promote it in the right places for you to be visible.
Take note that bigger law firms invest in mentoring workshops and post regular updates on their social media. They keep on investing despite there’s no necessity to spell their name. Make your clients feel like they know who you are before they come to your door.
Then – the Firm
Style matters. You pick the right location and invest in the outlook of your firm but you missed the “Vision and Mission Statement” of your firm. What’s your firm wish to be recognised for? The vision and mission statement should reflect your core expertise, capabilities to cater to the client’s needs and where does your vision end.
Certainty. This is your client’s soft spot. You are familiar with how long and how much a divorce petition will cost your client. A customised timeline on the scope of work and billing helps. Any law firm that brings the journey to the table will earn not just the trust, but the respect.
Lastly – your Work
Plan your work, work your plan. Your utmost duty is to keep your client informed before they make their decision. Share information on the things that are likely to affect the client’s business, even if it doesn’t directly relate to your billable legal work. Listen not only to what is said, but what is not said to uncover potential issues and opportunities.
Make your client feel special. When you are preparing their work, be accessible and responsive. Respond to phone calls, emails and questions in a timely fashion so your client knows they are a top priority. Drop them a simple email on the progress, like “Hi Mr. X. We are now working on xxx. This may take x days before we proceed with XXXX.” Easy? Always forgotten.
If you haven’t started to brand yourself for your law business, what are you waiting for? People are out there, looking for expertise on legal topics that’s both solid and trustworthy.