Moving Walls is a media technology group with a presence across four continents and seven…
Khir Khalid is a certified marketing professional registered with the Institute of Marketing Malaysia. Besides…
Founded in 2012 by Lars Voedisch, PRecious Communications is an integrated communications agency which combines…
Chimp&z Inc is a multi-dimensional marketing agency headquartered in Mumbai with a branch in Gurugram…
Inbound Marketer and Social Media Strategist who enables businesses to increase their online presence.
Not only an entertainer at TikTok. Nelysa Norazlan is also the Outreach and Community Executive…
OYAGSB or the Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia is one…
Digital Platform for Jobs, Work & Business solutions supported by a Professional Network & integrated…
Iks is a Leadership Development Consultant and Chief Ventureloquist for Nquvate, a startup training provider…
Elsie was once an IT Services and Business Process Management led Practitioner and Subject Matter…
Sanjeev is an entrepreneur and business & marketing strategy consultant with interests in Tourism &…