Pay Attention To A Small Voice In You For Better Sales Results
I finally realized that as a normal human being, we all have a small voice in us that remind us to do the right thing. It is called conscience. It…
Can You Be The Kobe Bryant Of The PR Industry?
In today’s content piece, I would like to highlight how you can be an MVP in this PR industry?—?winning hearts of journalists to publish your pitches and winning hearts of…
Audit Methodology In Marketing Strategy, Here’s How To Do It Right
Have you ever wonder how audit methodology can be applied in your marketing strategy? It is workable if you know how to fine tune it and gear it towards your…
How Being Connected in Digital Era Has Changed the Customer’s Path?
Companies must realize that in order to stand out from the crowd and effectively connect with customers, their marketing techniques must be designed in a way which it can influence…
What Your Resume is Telling the World About You
With the advent of professional platforms such as LinkedIn, the branding has moved to an entirely different level. Personal branding is easier, and potential hiring managers (or clients) “see” you…
In Memoriam: The Marketing Common Sense That Will Die In 2018
Bid farewell to these Marketing common senses that couldn’t make it to 2018. Despite their practicality and strong value, they were discarded for being either too primitive or no longer…
Optimism In The World Of Branding
We have seen brands being maintained, old brands being forgotten, revamping of old brands and even sub-division of existing brands. There will always be continuous efforts from companies to ensure…
How Do You Write A Media Friendly Press Release?
As much as I hate writing press releases, one thing that makes it worthwhile is when you focus on the main aspects which make the release newsworthy or valuable to…
Imaginary Resolution In Marketing As We Usher The New Year
When we plan our marketing strategy from various perspectives such as social media marketing, branded content, establishing social media on major platforms and the list goes on; we can actually…
Digital Advertising – Exploit It Now!
If businesses, whatever size, could unlock the true potential of digital advertising, it could do so much to one’s business – from creating presence, getting discovered, growing sales or earning…
The 10 Essential Questions To Build Your Personal Branding On
If you have a personal branding, you no longer required to have a resume. Well, I am sure some of you are experiencing this now. They would just grab your…
What 3 Years Of Content Marketing Did For My Freelancing Journey
If you must know, I put everything I have into producing content. Money, time, effort, you name it. I write and write stuff about all-things-marketing. My content is about sharing…
Writing A Blog Through The Perception Of A Beginner
I started to realise that there is a vast difference in writing for the flair of it and writing to gain profit, though both are to market my product. The…
Mobile Muslim: 5 Crucial Things To Understand When Building Content As A Religious-Based Brand
On the Internet, content is definitely king. This means choosing the most relevant keywords for each article is of paramount importance because we would want first-time visitors to become repeat…
Dear PR Practitioners, Have We Gone Digital Or Are We Just Lazy?
Excuse the blunt question posed in a title. Normally public relations practitioners are more diplomatic in their phrases but I guess that’s why we suffer in the long haul. There’s…