In a global strategy shift, Netflix is intensifying its crackdown on password sharing. As it confronts signs of market saturation, the streaming giant is exploring innovative methods to increase revenue. This move includes putting a brake on password borrowing and introducing an ad-supported option.
Netflix has initiated communication with customers in 103 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Singapore, Mexico, and Brazil, emphasizing that Netflix accounts should be exclusive to one household. This means users can’t freely share their accounts outside their homes. However, paying subscribers have the option to add a member outside their homes for an additional fee, which is $8 per month in the U.S.
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The new policy includes a unique feature that allows members to transfer profiles, ensuring users maintain their viewing history and recommendations. This policy enforcement comes after Netflix announced plans last year to limit account sharing. It is estimated that over 100 million households have been sharing their Netflix login details with friends and family outside their homes.
Netflix assures that the new policies will still allow people within the same household to share an account and use it across multiple devices when traveling. As of March end, Netflix’s global paying customer base stood at 232.5 million. This news is based on information from The Star.