From Pitching To Problem-Solving: Marketing Insights I’ve Learned From A Lady CEO Of A BPO Services Startup
The art of presenting ourselves as a problem-solver rather than a marketer.…
Machine Learning And Personalisation: A Quick Guide For Marketers
Every day, consumers are exposed to tons of digital contents on different…
4 Keys To Successful Social Media Marketing
Gone are the days when things were easier, so as social media…
The Basics Of Developing An Effective Marketing Plan
A step-by-step simple guide for fellow marketers. A step-by-step simple guide for…
The 3 Stages Of Growth And How PR Helps
A common mistake that many new businesses make is failing to differentiate…
Marketing Expertise Of Universities Scholars Towards Community Engagement
Author, Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Ananda Devan Sivalingam When we hear about the…
Marketing Of Talent And Expertise From The Academic Production Line
Author, Jasni Sabri The University is a producer of highly educated and…
Socially Responsible Marketing: Sustaining Handicrafts Through Socially Responsible Gift Giving
Author, Wee Yu Ghee How much do corporations spend annually on gifts…
Entrepreneurship In A Marketing Context
Entrepreneurship has always been the cornerstone buzzword of a successful capitalist economy.…
Five New Marketing Strategies Of The 4.0 Era
We are living in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 where…
5 Ways To Diversify Your Marketing Strategy
The medium of marketing is infinite. Given that marketing can be so…
4 Creative, Brand-Building Event Marketing Ideas
Making a brand connection with customers can be a daunting challenge. However,…
What I Learned About Personal Branding Coupled With Grit From A Lady CEO
Workshops and webinars seem to be a trend in the recent years.…
Make Your First Impression Appeal Instantly To Others
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. I…