Generation Marketing: Stop Stereotyping Please
Having spent the last five years studying inter-generational gaps across markets, it’s…
Here’s How To Build Consumer Trust Naturally
When we talk about selling services, we know that we are not…
How Responsible Marketing Is Influencing Consumers’ Happiness
Author, Prof. Kalsom Kayat Consumers are the heart of Marketing. Marketing creates,…
The Customer is Not Always Right and I Tell you Why
Author, Asmat Nizam Abdul Talib. The customer is not a moron. She’s…
Relationship Marketing vs. Transactional Marketing
Author, Prof. Nor Azila Mohd Noor Changes in the technological development and…
Cambodia: Market Entry Strategy
My country, Cambodia, is on the Indochina mainland of Southeast Asia. It…
Name Cards And Company Brands
When I first started out in Business Development many many years ago,…
Top 10 YouTube Ads That Caught Singaporeans
Public sector agencies stole the limelight with 6 out of 10 ads…
Celebrate Lunar New Year (Tsagaan Sar) With New Marketing Resolutions
For many people in Asia, it’s the new year. In Mongolia we…
Optimism or Pessimism, The Marketing Take
A few days ago I hailed an Uber ride to work. Since…
8 Topics To Avoid Discussing at Work
Couple of topics that should not be talked about at work. To…
How To Choose The Right Client For Your Digital Marketing Agency
Brands, they have this weird belief that digital marketers can actually solve…
A Quick Guide To Cross-Cultural Graces
The world has become smaller as travels have been made easier. People…
The Science of Smell: The Power of Scent Marketing
It has been a couple of weeks now I purposely made a…