An ideal world with endless possibilities. That’s just… perfect!
Dreams keep us alive and give us hope for the future. They drive us to live better than the previous days. So how do we translate dreams and ideals into reality?
It all depends on perspectives. How we view life in every situation determines our course of action. Every challenge offers us limitless opportunities. All of us have the potential to make a difference in the world. With the right skills, we can create what we can imagine. Imagination is the beginning of creation.
We create the future by solving the problems and challenges that we face. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it is important to understand the value of coding skills. We can build software and systems to improve lives. Thanks to technology, a thing as small as a smartphone can offer countless opportunities for entertainment, education, communication, and shopping.
Technology can also be used in industries that we care about. even for social good. With the right skills, we can solve social issues and build a better world. For example, someone who cares about the environment can make a difference by automating processes and reducing the amount of labour-intensive work.
With technology, I believe that we can help fight against socioeconomic inequalities and injustices such as human trafficking, poverty, discrimination. One thing for sure — we will never be short of opportunities for developing software that have the potential to fundamentally transform life for millions of people around the world.
As former US president John F Kennedy said:
“We go to the moon not because it’s easy but because it’s hard. Because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills”.
The future belongs to us. Join fellow digital folks in various hackathons which provide us with immense opportunities to build the future.
Today, hackathons are held all around the world attracting hundreds to thousands of participants
Social hackathons like Hacks for Humanity organise a 36-hour competition that challenges participants to create innovative technological solutions to address local and global issues.
Random Hacks of Kindness (RHOK) has helped 50 charities and social enterprises find tech-enabled solutions to pressing social problems. The changemakers and hackers come from every corner of the country.
Organisations like Volunteermatch and Code for Social Good help match volunteers of various technical levels with projects that align with their interests and expertise.
If you have time, check out other hackathons such as Catchafire, Taproot Foundation, TADHack 2018, F10 FinTech Hackathon, Grow Asia Hackathon, What The Hack as well!
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi
We think you might have good coding skills up your sleeves! Have them validated by industry experts on (The Decentralized Skills Network for Professional). You can hack your way for social good and build your professional credibility.