Tips for Creating a Strong Brand Identity and Visual Style Guide

Define your brand

Defining your brand is the first step in developing a visual style guide. Establish your brand's USP, personality, and values.

Identify your target audience

Find out who you're writing for and what it is they want. The tone and style of your visual identity will be informed by this.

Choose your color palette

Choose a color palette that communicates the ideals, character, and purpose of your business. Use hues that make people feel the way you want them to.

Choose your typography

Choose legible fonts that suit the tone of your brand. Keep your marketing materials consistent by sticking to no more than three fonts throughout.

Develop your brand elements

Create a brand identity package consisting of a logo, icons, and other visual components. Make sure they're not complicated and can be simply identified by the audience.

Create your visual style guide

Create a visual style guide after branding and visual elements. This guide should cover logo usage, color palette, typography, and more.

Use your style guide consistently

Use your style guide across your website, social media, email marketing, and other promotional tools to develop a strong brand identity. Consistency builds brand familiarity and effect.