Ever notice how good students tend to continue scoring, and how rich people tend to become richer?
The opposite is true for weak students and poor people.
It’s because we have a strong need to be consistent with our internal stories we tell ourselves. My best students would do anything to keep their high grades because they have already convinced themselves that they have high academic standards.
On the other hand, weak students have already talked themselves into believing that they’re hopeless. So even if they motivate themselves to study, that energy will not last for very long.
The truth of the matter is, hard work by itself is not enough to guarantee success. Some faith and belief are also required alongside diligence.
As I write this, we are in the midst of a second economic lock-down in Malaysia. Many of us are worried but, this is not the time for despair.
We have to pick ourselves up. We have to find that faith or belief. We must change our internal stories if we want to survive this, or even thrive.
Some of us may find it by talking to other successful people. Many others find it through self-development and study. Some find it through prayer, meditation or internal reflection.
We do what we have to do, but know this: We. Are. Strong. Enough.