As an advocate of mental wellness & a life coach, I have viewed the Covid19 crisis as an opportunity to share wisdom and spread positivity to others. The situation has inspired me to come up with my fifteen words to live by – During and After a Crisis. From a pandemic to a mission, I was set to encourage others to accept and see the silver lining in the moment of quarantine.
I have entitled my collection of inspiring words as; “The Acronyms of my Life – Shining for God, to be a Light for others.” I recently shared these inspiring words to LIVE by in my official FB page (FB Live) last May 1-15. It was my goal to help prepare Filipinos with the new normal – to help as many as I could to cope with confusion, anxiety, and depression during the crisis.
The first series deals about the crisis, looking at it as a Mission to be able to inspire and encourage others, keeping their sanity and helping them to be calm, and understand the real meaning of success in our lives today.
The second series is the Growing and Learning stage. Adapting to the changes, accepting the hurts and pain, managing stress to rest with a joyful heart.
The third series is on the Transformation stage, where you are already able to adjust and accept the new normal with discipline, wisdom and strength.
And the final series of acronyms, Words to Live by during and after crisis are the words to nourish our souls, being spiritually healthy in having Christ in Crisis. Sustaining it with a hopeful heart, keeping the faith and a daily prayer.
May these words inspire everyone to smile during and after a crisis to be able to successfully thrive each day.
From Pandemic To A Mission
Do not allow fear to creep in.
- F—Fear is fatal
- E—Empty faith
- A—Allowing anxiety
- R—Reluctant to God’s words
- C—Cleanliness and clarity of the mind, body, and spirit
- A—Always check for authentic news
- L—Listen, learn, and save lives by staying at home
- M—Meditate, manage supplies, and have moments with God
Smile After A Crisis
- S—Self-realization
- M—Meditation
- I—Introspection and interaction
- L—Love for God, family, friends, country, and world
- E—Elevate to transform
Growing And Learning
From stress to rest with a joyful heart.
- R—Relax, do something that relaxes you
- E—Exercise, work out, and take the stress out!
- S—Stand back and remove yourself in a stressful situation
- T—Take time to breathe, inhale positivity, and exhale negativity
- C—Change starts in me
- H—Habit to accept change
- A—Action-oriented
- N—Nurture yourself
- G—God’s promise
- E—Encourage yourself and others to adapt to change
- P—Pray to God
- A—Acknowledge the hurt and allow to heal
- I—Inspire yourself and others
- N—Never give up
Transforming Yourself
Be a new you!
- S—Surrender it to God
- T—Take time to think
- R—Rest, rejuvenate
- E—Educate yourself by learning, unlearning, and re-learning
- N—Never give up
- G—Good vibes, good people
- T—Transformation
- H—Hold onto hope
- D—Dedicated to making a difference
- I—Industrious in all ways
- S—Success measured by Service
- C—Courage to thrive
- I—Ideal goals
- P—Pray passionately
- L—Leading with love for Christ
- I—Inspire others
- N—Noble in character
- E – Effectively making it happen
- W—Worry no more
- I—Innovative and independent
- S—Satisfied with God’s love
- D—Dearly loved by everyone
- O—Optimistic in life
- M—Marvelous gift of empowering others
- B—Believe in yourself
- E—Embrace everything about you
- Y—Yahweh created you beautiful and unique
- O—Obstacles are opportunities
- U—Unconditional love is given to you
Living A New Normal Life Successfully
Say yes to faith and no to the fear
- F—Forever faithful to God
- A—Abiding to His words
- I—Immerse in His Holy Spirit
- T—Thankful for Jesus Christ
- H—Hopeful yesterday, today, and tomorrow
- P—Plant in our hearts God’s words and promise
- R—Reflections in his scriptures
- A- Abundance in blessings
- Y—Yearning for his coming
- E—Enlighten our lives
- R—Restoring our hearts day by day
- S—Seeking God’s kingdom first
- U—Uniting people to become obedient
- C—Christ-centered life
- C—Committed to being a blessing to others
- E—Exalting God’s words
- S—Saved by grace through faith
- S—Shining for God to be a light to others